Header photo by Sachiko Takeuchi / 竹内佐智子
72 Kou (pronounced /kō/ as in “slow” / 七十二候) or the 72 micro-seasons calendar, which originated from the hybrid lunisolar calendar adopted in Japan from China in the sixth century, was used over 1000 years along with the lunar calendar in Japan until 1872. It presents a way of looking at the year through gradual transitions in nature and the cultural and ecological practices that develop around them. The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter were divided into 24 seasons, then further subdivided into 72 micro-seasons. Each micro-season shifts to the next season in five days and delightfully depict nature in three to four Chinese characters.
Inspired and guided by the 72 micro-season calendar, 72 Seasons Project is CTN’s new programmatic framework, under which CTN will present performing arts showcases, multidisciplinary collaborations, and artist residencies and presentations in the Bay Area and beyond, aligning with the 72 micro-seasons. |
We are building CTN’s 72 Seasons Calendar-Library that serves as a catalog of our community’s stories and expressions. Click on the links highlighted in green below and enjoy the micro-seasonal works created by aricoco and Shoko Hikage!
For the 20th micro-season, Worms surface, Na Omi Judy Shintani and Colin Wright created an interactive digital artwork for us to enjoy! Click here to experience the world of worms! |
72 Seasons Calendar-Library
Click on the linked micro-seasons highlighted in green to explore and experience various artistic expressions!
We are currently in ....
White Dew 白露/Hakuro
Spring 春/Haru
Beginning of Spring 立春/Risshun
- February 4–8: East wind melts the ice 東風解凍/はるかぜこおりをとく/Harukaze kori o toku
- February 9–13: Bush warblers start singing in the mountains 黄鶯睍睆/うぐいすなく/Uguisu naku
- February 14–18: Fish swim after the thaw 魚上氷/うおこおりをいずる/Uo kori o izuru
Rainwater 雨水/Usui
- February 19–23: Rain moistens the soil 土脉潤起/つちのしょううるおいおこる/Tsuchi no sho uruoi okoru
- February 24–28: Mist starts to linger 霞始靆/かすみはじめてたなびく/Kasumi hajimete tanabiku
- March 1–5: Grass sprouts, trees bud 草木萌動/そうもくめばえいずる/Somoku mebae izuru
Insects Awaken 啓蟄/Keichitsu
- March 6–10: Hibernating insects surface 蟄虫啓戸/すごもりむしとをひらく/Sugomori mushito o hiraku
- March 11–15: First peach blossoms 桃始笑/ももはじめてさく/Momo hajimete saku
- March 16–20: Caterpillars become butterflies 菜虫化蝶/なむしちょうとなる/Namushi cho to naru
Spring Equinox 春分/Shunbun
- March 21–25: Sparrows build the first nest 雀始巣/すずめはじめてすくう/Suzume hajimete suku
- March 26–30: First cherry blossoms 櫻始開/さくらはじめてひらく/Sakura hajimete hiraku
- March 31–April 4: Distant thunders heard 雷乃発声/かみなりすなわちこえをはっす/Kaminari sunawachi koe o hassu
Clear and Bright 清明/Seimei
- April 5–9: Swallows return 玄鳥至/つばめきたる/Tsubame kitaru
- April 10–14: Wild geese fly north 鴻雁北/こうがんきたへかえる/Kogan kita e kaeru
- April 15–19: First rainbows 虹始見/にじはじめてあらわる/Niji hajimete arawaru
Grain Rains 穀雨/Kokuu
- April 20-24: First reeds sprout 葭始生/あしはじめてしょうず/Ashi hajimete shozu
- April 25–29: Last frost, rice seedlings grow 霜止出苗/しもやんでなえいづる/Shimo yamite nae izuru
- April 30–May 4: Peonies bloom 牡丹華/ぼたんはなさく/Botan hana saku
Summer 夏/Natsu
Beginning of Summer 立夏/Rikka
- May 5–9: Frogs start singing 蛙始鳴/かわずはじめてなく/Kawazu hajimete naku
- May 10–14: Worms surface 蚯蚓出/みみずいづる/Mimizu izuru
- May 15–20: Bamboo shoots sprout 竹笋生/たけのこしょうず/Takenoko shozu
Lesser Ripening 小満/Shoman
- May 21–25: Silkworms feast on mulberry leaves 蚕起食桑/かいこおきてくわをはむ/Kaiko okite kuwa o hamu
- May 26–30: Safflowers bloom 紅花栄/べにばなさかう/Benibana sakau
- May 31–June 5: Wheat ripens for harvest 麦秋至/むぎのときいたる/Mugi no toki itaru
Grain Beards and Seeds 芒種/Boshu
- June 6–10: Praying mantises hatch 蟷螂生/かまきりしょうず/Kamakiri shōzu
- June 11–15: Rotten grass becomes fireflies 腐草為螢/くされたるくさほたるとなる/Kusaretaru kusa hotaru to naru
- June 16–20: Plums ripen to yellow 梅子黄/うめのみきばむ/Ume no mi kibamu
Summer Solstice 夏至/Geshi
- June 21–26: Self-heal withers 乃東枯/なつかれくさかるる/Natsukarekusa karuru
- June 27–July 1: Irises bloom 菖蒲華/あやめはなさく/Ayame hana saku
- July 2–6: Crow-dipper sprouts 半夏生/はんげしょうず/Hange shozu
Lesser Heat 小暑/Shosho
- July 7–11: Warm winds blow 温風至/あつかぜいたる/Atsukaze itaru
- July 12–16: First lotus blossoms 蓮始開/はすはじめてひらく/Hasu hajimete hiraku
- July 17–22: Eyas fly 鷹乃学習/たかすなわちわざをなす/Taka sunawachi waza o narau
Greater Heat 大暑/Taisho
- July 23–28: Paulownia trees produce seeds 桐始結花/きりはじめてはなをむすぶ/Kiri hajimete hana o musubu
- July 29–August 2: Damp earth, humid air 土潤溽暑/つちうるおうてむしあつし/Tsuchi uruōte mushi atsushi
- August 3–7: Heavy rain falls from time to time 大雨時行/たいうときどきにふる/Taiu tokidoki furu
Autumn 秋/Aki
Beginning of Autumn 立秋/Risshu
- August 8–12: Cool winds blow 涼風至/すずかぜいたる/Suzukaze itaru
- August 13–17: Evening cicadas sing 寒蝉鳴/ひぐらしなく/Higurashi naku
- August 18–22: Thick fog descends 蒙霧升降/ふかききりまとう/Fukaki kiri mato
Manageable Heat 処暑/Shosho
- August 23–27: Cotton flowers bloom 綿柎開/わたのはなしべひらく/Wata no hana shibe hiraku
- August 28–September 1: Heat starts to die down 天地始粛/てんちはじめてさむし/Tenchi hajimete samushi
- September 2–7: Rice ripens 禾乃登/こくものすなわちみのる/Kokumono sunawachi minoru
White Dew 白露/Hakuro
- September 8–12: Dew glistens white on grass 草露白/くさのつゆしろし/Kusa no tsuyu shiroshi
- September 13–17: Wagtails sing 鶺鴒鳴/せきれいなく/Sekirei naku
- September 18–22: Swallows leave 玄鳥去/つばめさる/Tsubame saru
Autumn Equinox 秋分/Shubun
- September 23–27: Thunder ceases 雷乃収声/かみなりすなわちこえをおさむ/Kaminari sunawachi koe o osamu
- September 28–October 2: Insects hole up underground 蟄虫坏戸/むしかくれてとをふさぐ/Mushi kakurete to o fusagu
- October 3–7: Farmers drain fields 水始涸/みずはじめてかる/Mizu hajimete karuru
Cold Dew 寒露/Kanro
- October 8–12: Wild geese return 鴻雁来/こうがんきたる/Kogan kitaru
- October 13–17: Chrysanthemums bloom 菊花開/きくのはなひらく/Kiku no hana hiraku
- October 18–22: Crickets chirp around the door 蟋蟀在戸/きりぎりすとにあり/Kirigirisu to ni ari
Frost Falls 霜降/Soko
- October 23–27: First frost 霜始降/しもはじめてふる/Shimo hajimete furu
- October 28–November 1: Light rains sometimes fall 霎時施/こさめときどきふる/Kosame tokidoki furu
- November 2–6: Maple leaves and ivy turn yellow 楓蔦黄/もみじつたきばむ/Momiji tsuta kibamu
Winter 冬/Fuyu
Beginning of Winter 立冬/Ritto
- November 7–11: Camellias bloom 山茶始開/つばきはじめてひらく/Tsubaki hajimete hiraku
- November 12–16: Land starts to freeze 地始凍/ちはじめてこおる/Chi hajimete koru
- November 17–21: Daffodils bloom 金盞香/きんせんかさく/Kinsenka saku
Lesser Snow 小雪/Shosetsu
- November 22–26: Rainbows hide 虹蔵不見/にじかくれてみえず/Niji kakurete miezu
- November 27–December 1: North wind blows the leaves from the trees 朔風払葉/きたかぜこのはをはらう/Kitakaze konoha o harau
- December 2–6: Tachibana citrus tree leaves start to turn yellow 橘始黄/たちばなはじめてきばむ/Tachibana hajimete kibamu
Greater Snow 大雪/Taisetsu
- December 7–11: Cold sets in, winter begins 閉塞成冬/そらさむくふゆとなる/Sora samuku fuyu to naru
- December 12–16: Bears start hibernating in their dens 熊蟄穴/くまあなにこもる/Kuma ana ni komoru
- December 17–21: Salmon gather and swim upstream 鱖魚群/さけのうおむらがる/Sake no uo muragaru
Winter Solstice 冬至/Toji
- December 22–26: Self-heal sprouts 乃東生/なつかれくさしょうず/Natsukarekusa shozu
- December 27–31: Deer shed antlers 麋角解/おおしかのつのおつる/Sawashika no tsuno otsuru
- January 1–4: Wheat sprouts under snow 雪下出麦/ゆきわたりてむぎいづる/Yuki watarite mugi nobiru
Lesser Cold 小寒/Shokan
- January 5–9: Water Dropwort flourishes 芹乃栄/せりすなわちさかう/Seri sunawachi sakau
- January 10–14: Springs thaw 水泉動/しみずあたたかをふくむ/Shimizu atataka o fukumu
- January 15–19: Pheasants start to call 雉始雊/きじはじめてなく/Kiji hajimete naku
Greater Cold 大寒/Daikan
- January 20–24: Butterburs bud 款冬華/ふきのはなさく/Fuki no hana saku
- January 25–29: Ice thickens on streams 水沢腹堅/さわみずこおりつめる/Sawamizu kōri tsumeru
- January 30–February 3: Hens start laying eggs 鶏始乳/にわとりはじめてとやにつく/Niwatori hajimete toya ni tsuku
The English translations of the micro-seasons are referenced from nippon.com by The Nippon Communications Foundation
This project is made possible through the support from the California Arts Council, WESTAF (the Western States Arts Federation), the National Endowment for the Arts, and generous individual donors.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support 72 Seasons Project!
U.S./Japan Cultural Trade Network, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
U.S./Japan Cultural Trade Network, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.